September 2012 minutes


PostOak ForestBoard Meeting




Sept. 4, 2012




Present: Kim, Eleanor, Bob, Cydney, Carol, Rhonda, Tim, Joyce, Annel, Laura




Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm




May minutes were read and approved






  1. treasurer’s report
  2. grounds committee report
  3. neighbor info




Treasurer’s report


Still working on QuickBooks. Initial information has been entered to make process easier.  There’s an influx of money due to homeowners overpaying and paying forward through 2013.  Friendly reminders are working and overall folks are paying on time.  The Board discussed proper action regarding delinquent monthly assessments and appropriate next steps. 




Grounds Committee report


New property signs are complete. Total cost $140.76.  Researching system for watering the grounds- soaker or drip system using hose or tube for beds/medians and islands, wouldn’t work for lawns.  As current heads break replace with soaker hoses.  Investigate shelf live of hoses.  Continue using native plants and grasses that are hearty and don’t require lots of water.  Continued research on appropriate plant options for planting and replacing and purchasing plants as appropriate.  There are still a few dead trees on the property.  Antonio will be asked to take a look at trees and determine if they should be cut down now, wait until spring or could they possibly survive over winter.  Roses by pool are watered manually and are unable to be put on a timer. Might be a good place to start the soaker hose project.  Look into valves that supply water to plants around pool as there appears to be a leak which causes water to run to University.  Consult a plumber or irrigation specialist.  Also appears to leak by #13 which is being monitored to find the source of the water.






Splitting is occurring and curbing is dipping.   Asphalt is sinking and causing water to pool in several locations.  Repair is apprx $1k per sq ft. and we have about 500 ft.  We need to at least seal coat areas for now.  Seal coating bids shouldn’t go over $10k.  This would take care of road and doesn’t not prevent future cutting of sections to correct water flow.  It was suggested that we avoid patching so that the road looks uniform.  Professionals will be contacted for and consultation to determine best approach and cost.







Local meeting for HOA members to learn more about changes in by-laws is on Monday Sept. 10th.  Anyone interested in attending should notify HOA president and RSVP.   It is still recommended for an atty to review our by-laws and convenants regarding the changes to theTexasregulations.  The question was raised whether or not new move in packets should be suspended until handbook is reviewed.  We will suspend information unless related to “housekeeping rules”. (trash, recycling schedules, parking, etc.)




Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm






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