Grounds General Rules


At its inception, the plan for Post Oak Forst was to remain a natural forest and woodland with no need for irrigation. However, trees died due to construction and with a little landscaping to fill in here and there, irrigation pipes were installed and more native trees and shrubs succumbed.

Watering our grounds is a continuing challenge with a variety of irrigation systems having been installed at various times over the years. There is always the danger of losing more native trees and plants when installing an irrigation system due to damaged roots. Drip lines placed just below the mulch or hidden from view offer our best choice, though these also bring challenges.

Our grounds keeper, Antonio Sanchez, maintains the irrigation systems. However, when there are needed repairs he is unable to make, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to have those done and incur the expense. The irrigation systems are connected to the homeowner’s water line on the homeowner’s side of the water meter. Therefore, residents pay for the watering of the front and side yard areas.

In particularly dry seasons, homeowners or tenants may receive a notice asking them to use garden hoses to water the area around the house. Other notices concerning the grounds may be sent as needed. We are a community and at times may need to come together for the betterment of our community.

Our grounds keeper and his crew come Monday mornings. They have much work with thirty-four “yards” and all the common grounds to maintain. If you have a request concerning grounds work, it should be made through a Grounds Committee member and not directly to Antonio. The committee chair makes a list of specific chores for him each week aside from ordinary grounds maintenance. The committee welcomes your comments and concerns.

The Grounds Committee attempts to direct good management of our grounds, and we always appreciate residents taking time to pick up any litter or dog waste, clip off a dead twig, pull a weed, keep patios, carports, and courtyards in compliance, and any such act that helps make our Post Oak Forest neighborhood beautiful.
Thank you.