Tuesday, 2/4/14 @ 7:00pm at 27 Forest Drive
Attendance: Rhonda, Kim, Carol, Joyce, Bob, Eleanor
Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm
December minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
- Dues are current
- January 2014 income and expense summary was distributed and reviewed
- After discussion with insurance agent Jim Stuckey, it was suggested that POF HOA act prudently in the hiring of vendors related to work on common grounds of the community
- Kim will send a letter to remind community home owners of the by-laws and their responsibilities regarding remodeling homes, work to common grounds and other areas that might require the attention of a vendor and the approval of an HOA committee
Grounds Report
- Bricks by pool are being re-laid
- Trees continue to be removed as need
Meeting adjourned  8:30pm