2014 Oct. Mtg.


October 10, 2014

Post Oak Forest HOA meeting


Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Rhonda Watson, Joyce Birdwell and Antonio Garcia


Meeting called to order at 5:55pm



Annual Meeting

Kim will send out ballots for reducing the Board to a total of 7 members.  This was discussed at last year’s meeting but never formally voted on.


Treasurer’s Report

There is $55K in savings and $4600.00 in checking.  All assessments are current.  We move and approved (Tim first, Joyce second) to give Antonio the grounds keeper a $500 bonus.




Ozden, Carol and Kim met (SpringBrook) regarding amending the bylaws to state POF BOD is no longer in agreement with POF homes being used as rental property.  Changing current language to read “occupant” vs “tenant” and having a maximum number of days per year for occupant usage is being considered/discussed.  This will have to put before the community for a vote once an approach is reached.


Regarding the Colliers Kim will contact them asking if they want their issue put before the community for vote and informed them that Ozden has agreed to move her unit back onto her property.


Rhonda (secy.) left meeting to take kid to soccer practice (7:55pm)


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