2014 Sept. Mtg.


September 2, 2014

Post Oak Forest HOA meeting


Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Karen Dixon, Rhonda Watson, Joyce Birdwell and Antonio Garcia


Meeting called to order at 7:04pm

Minutes were read and approved.



Treasurer’s Report

Antonio shared a printed report detailing activity over the summer (June, July) through August.  All assessments are current.  A plumber was hired to replace valves and fix pipes and the shower now works.


Currently we have a $1 million of insurance coverage.  For a $100 more we can have $2 million.  It was moved and approved to increase the coverage for $100 more.


Common grounds

A proposal from the Colliers (#10) was submitted regarding their AC compressor placement on common ground.  There’s also an issue with a storage unit being placed on common ground (#9, Ted Todah).  Fines are not an effective remedy.  We move and approve for Tim to draft a letter for HOA review.   The letter will start a plan to resolve these and future issues in a way that protects the community, preserves common grounds regarding flow of water and supports the current by-laws.



A letter will be sent to the community reminding pet owners that city law states dogs must be on a leash while outside and to preserve the grounds, owners must clean up after their dogs.  We will request signatures as proof that the letter has been sent, received and read.



3 axle sign at the community entrance is dull and leaning and it’s time to replace.  Large trucks are hard on the road.  It was proposed that we address the sign and road upgrade at the same time.  There’s a blind spot caused by mature shrubs by Carol’s home.  Karen trimmed but this will need to be maintained.  Carol and Karen will alert Antonio.

Also repairs are needed on #11.  Homeowners live is Mississippi.  Wood is rotting.  Karen agrees (once she returns) to write a letter to the homeowners.



Carol spoke with someone who works with Larry Young regarding a more durable road.  The cost is more but a representative is coming to give an opinion on how to proceed.  A master plan with a focus on the entry to the community and phases to address the “humpage” will be considered.  A narrowing and shorting of the island would prevent accidental traffic from using driveways as “turn arounds” and prevent 1-3 from driving out through the “in” side of the entrance.  Addressing the standing water is also a priority.


New neighbors

#14 has new owners, Michael Stevenson with 3 children.  There’s a black fence and we will ask for it to be removed.  Previous owners used it to keep dogs fenced in.

#4 sold to Geneva and Louis Morella.



Two sets of April minutes were read and approved.  One set of minutes reflected a special election meeting nominating and approving Antonio as POFs new treasurer.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm

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