April 25, 2014 (via email)
Post Oak Forest HOA special election meeting
Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Bob Lane, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Karen Dixon, Rhonda Watson
Agenda: Nomination and approval of Antonio Garcia serving as POF Treasurer
The nomination was made, seconded and the following unanimously approved:
As of June 1, 2014, Eleanor Lane, the past Treasurer of Post Oak Forest Home Owner’s Association will be duly replaced by Antonio Garcia as Treasurer in accordance with the Post Oak Forest Home Owner’s Association Board. Thus, the following changes on our Prosperity Bank accounts, savings and checking, are authorized:
- Remove Eleanor Lane from authority to sign checks
- Retain Kimberly Tolman, President, as an authorized person to sign checks
- Add Antonio Garcia, Treasurer, as an authorized person to sign checks
- Retention of current account ID and a new password to be provided at the time of the change.