March 5, 2017 POF HOA Board Meeting

Meeting brought to order by president.

Present were Tom O, Laura H, Kenneth J, Laura D, Jack B, Debra W, Carol S.


The Treasurer’s report had been sent to members and it was discussed.


Grounds report from Carol: she spoke with the city about drooping electrical wires. They came out and looked and reported back that all our electrical lines are the very high wires and they are all okay.  The low hanging wires belong to the telephone, cable, or internet companies and those homeowners need to call the appropriate service and have them come out and raise their wires. She was asked to have Antonio Sanchez check and repair irrigation systems and have them ready before it gets hot and dry and we need them. Someone questioned if there was a plan and what was expected of Antonio throughout the year and was the pay he makes justified by the work he does. Laura D. spoke in support and reminded the board that in the past we got estimates from 3 companies for maintaining our grounds and the one hired for a year cost us almost twice as much as we pay Antonio and their work was not acceptable.


The pool house needs a new roof and Tom will get 3 bids and hopefully we can get this job done soon.

We will need to spend money on re-landscaping some areas after the road work is done and also for an attractive entrance sign. Therefore, Jack B. made the motion to move forward with a first phase which will cover what is shown on the maps Tom drew for us as Phases 1 & 2. It will cost about $67,000. As soon as we are comfortable with our funds we will have phase 2 done which is labeled as Phase 3 on our maps. This last section involves the road section that requires minimal repair and  begins near #31 and runs south ending with the parking pad. Carol seconded the motion and all were in favor.


Kenneth Is looking into our tax situation and reported he would have sales tax info for the board in 6 weeks.


In an effort to keep POF emails secure it was suggested the password be changed each year and this was agreed upon. There was also discussion about having minutes and other documents backed up and and we should purchase a computer for POF that anyone can access and see those documents.


The meeting adjourned at 8:25.

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