Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held October 1, 2017. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Attendees were Kenneth Johse, Jack Benson, Debra Ware, David Hicks, Tom Ostrowski and Laine Totah.
1. GENERAL: Kenneth made a motion to nominate David Hicks for the board position vacated by Laura Doskicil. Jack seconded. Motion carried. Antonio Garcia has resigned from the board and will need to be replaced. We discussed reducing the number of board members from 9 to 7. The board is in agreement on this proposal and will introduce this for vote at the January annual board meeting.
2. BANK ACCOUNT SIGNATORS: Laine made a motion to have the president, vice president and treasurer as signers on the Post Oak Forest bank account at Prosperity bank. Debra seconded. Tom Ostrowski, Jack Benson and Kenneth Johse will need to be set up on the account. Any other signers currently on the account should be removed.
3. TREASURER REPORT: Kenneth noted we have approximately $74,000 in the bank account. This should be enough to pay the final road repair invoice. Any board member that would like is encouraged to pay ahead for 2018 HOA dues. If enough do this we will have enough to cover all payments for the remaining sign and landscaping work without any special assessments.
4. ROAD REPAIR STATUS: Work is complete. Tom will do the final walk through with the contractor next week and will authorize final payment. The sign work should begin soon.
5. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: The committee will review the door color submission on number 32 and make a decision next week. Discussed what types of methods of enforcement we have when owners are in violation. Tom will contact some other HOA’s to see what procedures they use to address violations. We need to establish a procedure to follow when we see a violation. Suggestion included a first courtesy letter from HOA, second harsher letter, then possibly a third letter coming from the lawyer. We need to determine whether we can fine someone for violations that are not on the common area. We do have provisions in the current by-laws to impose fines if infractions occur on common areas.
6. REVIEW OF AND REVISIONS TO BY-LAWS AND CCR’s: Jack has worked with the lawyer to verify that we need 67% homeowner approval to make any changes to by-laws or covenants.
7. GROUNDS AND POOL: Some sprinkler lines were cut during road work. Antonio and grounds crew has fixed these. Laine will contact the pool company and have the cover put on mid October. Debra noted that the owner of the building at the front of the subdivision asked about adding landscaping on their property near our new sign. Tom will have Carol contact her to see if this can be coordinated together with our new landscaping.
8. RENTALS: Tom suggested that we ask the lawyers if we can legally add wording to our by-laws that could prevent long term permanent rental situations. He will check into this. We can currently ask for a copy of any lease and it was suggested that we start requesting this in the future.
9. FUTURE PROJECTS – we are planning these for next year.
a. Repair/replace roof structure at pool pump house. Cost: $3K – $6K
b. Install low fence at back of parking pad near mail boxes to screen heavy trash. $3K – $5K
c. Install and set up simple sprinkler timers at unit that currently require Antonio to manual turn on the water.
d. Continue cutting back trees next year. This should probably be done every year as regular maintenance.
Meeting adjourned 8:40. Next meeting will be November 5, 2017