Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held December 3, 2017. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Attendees were Kenneth Johse, Jack Benson, Carol Scamardo, David Hicks, Tom Ostrowski and Laine Totah.
- TREASURER REPORT: Kenneth reported on balance in the account. We should have enough funds to finish the year. He also presented a proposed 2018 budget. We discussed next year capital improvement funds needed and will put in enough for sign completion and additional funds for pool house roof repair. Total of $35,000 was agreed upon. We also agreed that we will not raise HOA dues this year.
- ROAD REPAIR AND SIGN STATUS: Road repair is complete and the final payment was made to the contractor. The sign work should be completed by the end of the year. Tom is meeting with the landscaper this week and that should be progressing soon. Once we get invoiced for these two pieces we will submit invoices to the city for reimbursement on the grant.
- REVIEW FROM LAWYERS ON RENTAL QUESTIONS: We received a letter with opinions on the four questions we asked regarding tightening rental regulations. We will continue to review this to determine if we want to propose changes to by laws or covenants some time in the future.
- ANNUAL HOA MEETING: The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 16, 2018. A notice needs to be sent to all homeowners at least 15 days prior to the meeting. Tom will send this out. We will need to vote on new board members . Debra and Carol have agreed to another term and they will be on the ballot. We need another person for the remaining open position. We also need another person to fill the slot vacated by Laura Hendler. Tom will ask for volunteers when he sends the notice.
Meeting adjourned 8:10. Next meeting will be January 7, 2018.