Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held February 2, 2020. Meeting was called to order at 2:04 PM.
Attendees were Carol Scamardo, John Cozad, Stacy Light. Laine Totah, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, Debra Ware and Kenneth Johse.
President: Kenneth nominated Debra Ware, Stacy seconded.
Vice President: Laine nominated Jack Benson, Debra seconded.
Secretary: Kenneth nominated Laine Totah, Debra seconded.
Treasurer: Carol nominated Kenneth Johse, Stacy seconded.
Laine nominated Stacy Light to head the Nomination of Directors committee. Debra seconded.
The Board approved all nominations.
Grounds Committee: Cherie nominated Carol, Kenneth seconded.
Pool Committee: Jack nominated Laine, Debra seconded.
ACC: Jack nominated Tom Ostrowski, Laine seconded.
The Board approved all nominations.
- GENERAL SECRETARY REPORT: Laine read the minutes from the November board meeting and the January annual meeting. Cherie made a motion to approve as read, Jack seconded. Meeting minutes were approved. Meeting dates for next year were set as follows: March 8, April 5, May 3 (2PM), June 7, Sept 13, Oct 11, November 8 and Annual meeting Jan 19
- TREASURER: Over $10,000 collected in January. Kenneth will move a portion to savings at the end of the month. A new homeowner has not paid dues, Kenneth will contact them. When new owners come into POF we need to make sure someone contacts them with dues and general information. As new owners come, we will assign a board member to make contact.
- GROUNDS: Carol reported that the groundskeeper, Antonio, has requested a wage increase. We have not raised this wage for many years. Board discussed wage amounts. Jack made a motion to raise the pay by an additional $250 per month. Cherie seconded. Board approved. New rate will start in February. Suggestion was made to add some additional holiday decorations next year. Stacy will look into acquiring a large wreath for the front entrance at the Dallas We will also look into tree lighting possibilities next year. The aggie Big Event is coming up. Carol has submitted a request for leaf raking around her property. She encouraged others to make similar requests. Debra will send this information to all homeowners.
- POOL: Laine continuing monthly monitoring. Board decided to have an opening pool party on May 3. Laine will arrange to have the pool cover removed around April 24th. We could use new pool furniture so all board members are to be on the lookout for any items. Carol has secured some pool furniture and is working on recovering the cushions.
- ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Debra will contact owner of unit 28 again regarding satellite dish placement on roof.
- OTHER BUSINESS: Cherie is working on the newsletter and will include a profile of the new owners in number 11 (Antill’s) and the recent citizenship of Dianna Garcia in number 21:
FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS: proposed projects include sprinkler system upgrades (approx $1,000)
Pool replastering (approx $8,000 – 12,000)
Meeting adjourned at 3:10
Next meeting will be Sunday, March 8, 2020.