Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held August 7, 2022. Meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM.
Attendees were Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Kim Tolman, Jack Benson, Laine Totah, John Cozad, and Julius Gribou.
June meeting minutes were approved as presented.
New Owners and renters: #10 renter Dr. Paulo Limo-Filho, Dr. Diego Von Vacano moved to #31. New renter in #18 Angela Perri.
1. TREASURER: Kenneth reported that finances are in good order. July receipts were high due to 2 owners paying up the remainder of the year. Reports reviewed as presented and approved.
2. GROUNDS: We hired Antonio and crew to water all homes on Thursday also. Cost for this service is $150. We will continue this through August and possibly September if we are still dry. Julius reminded that we are all responsible for our own sprinklers. Stacy will send a reminder to all homeowners reminding them of this. She will also include the name of the sprinkler repair person. Sprinkler leak at number 10 was fixed by the owner.
3. POOL: Rose bushes by pool are dead. Once the drought is over we will have new plants put in. Pool is running fine but anyone swimming should add water during this dry period.
4. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Work is continuing on Number 10. Paint color has been proposed but still not finalized. Julius will put together a color palette for approved outdoor paint colors with specific paint numbers from Sherwin Williams and maybe another paint brand. Number 5 has material in carport for doors, etc. This is temporary and OK. New roof on #14 was approved by Julius. #23 installed cabinets in car port. Stacy will notify them that these are not allowed. Julius was contacted regarding paint color of door on #15. He will advise the homeowner. Painting work was approved and is under way on #21.
5. NEW BUSINESS: Kim volunteered to head up the nominating committee for new board members for 2023. John, Kenneth and Jack’s terms are up. Discussed the fact that we need try to get some new members with new skill sets since Stacy will be rolling off as president in 2024.
We discussed implementing a change to the by-laws to only allow 20% of homes to be rented (not including family members who are living in a house). We will have a zoom town hall meeting on September 13 at 6:00 PM to discuss with homeowners. Stacy will send out a notice to all explaining the concern and what we are proposing.
We are still experiencing problems posting to the website. Matt and Becca in number 23 are looking into this issue for us.
Meeting adjourned 7:40. Next meeting will be September 11 at 7:00 in person at Stacy’s house. (number 7)
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