Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held September 11, 2022. Meeting was called to order at 6:40 PM.
Attendees were Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Kim Tolman, Jack Benson, Laine Totah, John Cozad, Carol Scamardo, Antonia Garcia and Cherie Cotner.
September meeting minutes were approved as presented. They were posted to the website by Matt Henderson but Laine is still unable to post. Jack will contact Matt to see if we can pay for services to have the POF website moved to a more user friendly platform. We have new Owners in # 14 – Martin and Elizabeth Hamff.
1. TREASURER: Kenneth reported that finances are in good order. We received our first transfer fee last month. We currently have over $30,000 in savings and will evaluate putting this into a CD with higher interest rates if this makes sense. Treasury reports were reviewed and approved as presented. Kenneth noted that he will be contacting a representative for #4 owners to request payment of the HOA dues for last month.
2. GROUNDS: Carol noted that there are a number of dead trees that need to be cut down. Laine made a motion to authorize $2,500 for the tree removal. Cherie seconded. Motion approved. Carol will contact Spencer the tree person to get this done. The grounds crew is cutting dead shrubbery and raking the dead jasmine. We will not replace any of this until Spring. Kim noted that the area behind the pool is growing high. Carol will have thec rounds crew cut this.
3. POOL: Laine reported that we have ordered a new pool cover and the cost will be $3,885. The pool will be closed around October 15th. Carol suggested we have an end of year pool party and a date of Sunday, October 9th was chosen.
4. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: No work was reported this month. It was requested that a reminder letter be sent two weeks after football season to those that have a trailer for football season in their driveway. These can remain only during the season.
5. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Kim is working on the nominations for the upcoming year. John, Kenneth and Jack’s terms are up.
6. NEW BUSINESS: We discussed the upcoming town hall meeting to review implementing a change to the by-laws to only allow 20% of homes to be rented (not including family members who are living in a house). We will have the zoom town hall meeting on September 13 at 6:00 PM. Stacy has also been asked to propose a 15% cap or no renters at all allowed (with current renters grandfathered in). All of these options will be discussed with the homeowners on the Zoom call to see what the majority of owners would support.
Meeting adjourned 7:53. The next meeting will be October 9th at 7:00 PM.
Main Menu
- Welcome!
- Minutes
- Pool Information
- Bylaws
- Covenants and Management Certificate
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- City of College Station
- HOA Policy as per the State of Texas
- Architectural Control Committee Forms
- Parking Notice Template
- Contact Information
- Post Oak Forest Dues
- Announcements
- Grounds General Rules
- Rental Cap Procedures (with rental list) and Fining Policy