Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held October 9, 2022. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Attendees were Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Kim Tolman, Jack Benson, Laine Totah, Carol Scamardo, and Cherie Cotner.
September meeting minutes were approved as presented.
1. TREASURER: We currently have over $30,000 in savings and will evaluate putting this into a CD with higher interest rates if this makes sense. Treasury reports were reviewed and approved as presented. Kenneth noted that he contacted a representative for an owner to request payment of the delinquent HOA dues which currently total over $1,600. He is continuing to work with them to resolve. A review of the budget and projected expenses through end of year shows a possible deficit of a few thousand. This can be covered by a withdrawal from savings. Upcoming spending includes caulk for the pool, lawyer fees and tree removal.
2. GROUNDS: Carol noted that the estimate from Spencer tree removal is $6,700 to remove all dead trees. Cherie made a motion to have Spencer remove all trees that are deemed unsafe right away and then defer the others until next year. Jack seconded. Board approved. Carol reported that the street light in front of number 4 is not working because the power has been turned off on the house by the owners representatives since they are not there. The board decided to just wait to see what happens in the next few months before we determine if we need to rewire to the main POF electric.
3. POOL: Laine reported that the pool party went well. We have ordered a new pool cover at a cost of $3,885. The pool will be covered and closed on October 14th. It was decided that we will look into getting the caulk around the pool replaced before the cover is put on due to possible water damage if we leave as is. Laine will look into this. Jack made a motion to go ahead if less than $300 and Kenneth seconded. If the cost is more the board will be consulted for approval. Stacy noted that it needs to be done to prevent water damage underneath.
4. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: No work was reported this month. Stacy noted that a letter will be sent to #5 regarding the construction equipment that has been under the carport for over two months with no action (no ACC requests for roof repair have been received yet). Items will need to be moved out of the carport into the house.
5. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Kim is working on the nominations for the upcoming year. John, Kenneth and Jack’s terms are up.
6. NEW BUSINESS: The board discussed going forward with an amendment to the covenants to include rental cap language that would limit rentals to 15% (with current renters grandfathered in). We will also go forward with a separate clause to include fines for HOA violations. There was a motion by Jack to have the attorney draw up the language for both of these and Laine seconded. The Board approved. Stacy noted that we also need to have someone meet with the State Farm insurance agent to make sure our policy is sufficient. Stacy will see if Julius will take on this project.
Meeting adjourned 8:05. The next meeting will be November 6th at 7:00 PM.
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