August 5, 2024 POF HOA Board meeting minutes

Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held August 5, 2024. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

Attendees were Kim Tolman, Stacy Light, Jack Benson, Matt Henderson, Cherie Cotner, Kenneth Johse and Laine Totah.

The June minutes were approved as posted.

Treasurer Report: Kenneth noted that the CD we have matured on Wednesday. Kenneth moved the money into a money market fund account so that we will have access to the funds if we get approval for the City of College Station grant that we applied for. We will need to spend the money for the work up front and the city reimburses you 50%. One homeowner is delinquent on dues and Kenneth will keep contacting them. All other financials look good.

Rental List: We discussed the current rental list. There are currently 4 houses being rented (10, 14, 18, 31). Number 19 will be removed from the list as it has been sold. #29 will be removed from the waiting list as she is currently occupying the home. It was noted that the new rules state that an owner has 90 days to rent the unit once it goes on the list. They can request an extension if they are having difficulties finding a renter but are actively looking.

Grounds Report: Tom reported that a tree by #7 died and has been removed. The City of College Station grant application was completed by Tom, Stacy and Laine and was submitted in June. We received two bids for the work and chose the lower bid at a cost of $13,690 that was submitted by Antonio. We requested $15,000 from the city which included a contingency amount for price increases, etc that may come up. The city is reviewing and we are still waiting on an answer. If we receive it we will not do the work until spring so the plants have a better chance of staying healthy. A sprinkler issue was noted by Cherie this month and she reported it to Debra on the sprinkler committee and it was taken care of. #13 and 15 did some drainage work behind their houses. Jack noted that the new color bed that was planted and all the work done at the front entrance looks very nice.

Architectural Control Committee: #10 sent a proposal for work to be done on the back patio. Julius is reviewing.

Pool: We had to replace the Polaris and also the filter grids. The Pool Guy is just finishing this work and getting the pool cleaned and ready to reopen for swimming. Hopefully it will be reopen this week.

We have a new renter in #31. Laine will add to the directory and the email list.

Jack noted that we need to start getting budget numbers for grounds work soon as the current contract from Antonio only guaranteed the rates through 2024.

Stacy noted that we need a nominating committee to look for new board members for anyone that is rolling off in January and not continuing on. Jack agreed to head up the committee.

Next meeting date: September 8, 2024

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM

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