September 8, 2024 POF HOA Meeting minutes

Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held September 8, 2024. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

Attendees were Kim Tolman, Stacy Light, Jack Benson, Jennifer Fredericks, Cherie Cotner, Kenneth Johse and Laine Totah.

The August minutes were approved as posted.

Treasurer Report: Kenneth reported financials were all in line. He requested the opportunity to research opening an account for the HOA at Fidelity or a similar place so we could have the savings invested and making a better return than the current savings account or CD. The board approved. Kenneth will investigate and let us know. There are delinquent dues on a homeowner that is selling. The closing is set for October. Kenneth will advise the title company at closing of the amount due and the HOA will receive our money at closing. If this does not close as planned, then we will readdress the situation. We received approval for the City of College Station grant for the amount of $5,000. We will need to spend money for the work up front ($10,000) and the city reimburses you 50%.

Grounds Report: Tom reported that the bid for the grant work was $13,650 and will be done in the spring when the plants have a better chance of staying healthy. At that time we will decide if we will do it all or reduce the scope. A water leak issue was reported by the pool. Antonio said it is not the sprinkler system. We will contact the pool company to see if they can determine what is leaking and if they can fix it. If not, a plumber will need to be contacted. Tom will ask Antonio about costs for 2025 and will report back to the board his bid.

Architectural Control Committee: no report

Pool: Pool will remain open through September.

Bulk trash was discussed. The city has asked that we put yard waste on one side and household waste on the other. In order to get this done it was suggested we make a sign showing this. And it was noted that someone put food in bags over there and animals got into it. The sign will also state that no food should be put there. Kim will look into getting a sign made.

Jack is working on the nominating committee. Kim, Laine and Stacy are due to roll off. Laine will not renew so the committee will search for someone to take the spot on the board.

Next meeting dates: October 6, November 3, and December 8.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

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