Post Oak Forest Annual HOA meeting was held January 21, 2025. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.


Attendees: Carol Scamardo, Kenneth and Kathy Johse, Cherie Cotner, Julius Gribou, Stacy Light (Zoom), Tom Light, Jack and Carol Benson (Zoom), Kim Tolman, Laine and Ted Totah, John Karle, Matt Henderson, Becca Fullerton, Clifford and Judy Frye, Alan and Wanda Needleman, Don Lipkin, Alexis Dupre, Murat Russell and Bob Hall


President, Kim Tolman, called the meeting to order. She welcomed the group.


General:   Laine Totah (secretary) reported that the previous annual meeting minutes are all posted on the Post Oak Forest website and were sent out to all owners prior to the meeting.  Cherie proposed that the minutes be approved as written.  Julius seconded.  All approved.


Treasury:  Kenneth Johse (treasurer) reported that we ended the 2024 year with a surplus.  This was due to a decrease in expenses for dead tree trimming and removal this year.  This reserve will be used in 2025 for the City of College Station beautification grant that we were approved for.  Tom Light will speak on the provisions of the grant next. The HOA dues increased in 2025 to $147/month.  Kenneth noted that HOA assessments are due the 10th of the month and can be mailed to 23A Forest dr.  Kenneth reported that we have approximately $26,000 in savings to cover any capital improvements so we are in good shape for the future.  Kim noted that we always need a reserve since we own the roads, pool, common areas and need funds for upkeep on all.  We are trying to reserve for the future to avoid having to do a special assessment. 


Pool: Laine Totah gave an update on the pool status. We continued to use the Pool Guys for weekly maintenance from May through October. We had a lot of maintenance costs this year including a new motor, new Polaris, new grates.  John Karle will take over the pool committee and will be in charge from now on.  


Grounds:  Tom Light reported that Antonio’s crew costs will remain the same base amount in 2025, but we will increase the hours by 30 minutes per week in order to get everything completed on the grounds each week. Tom noted that we completed updating the fencing in the entrance and these costs were shared by the two building owners in front.  We completed a drainage project between #13 and #17. The color flower beds at the entrance were recently changed and will be changed again in the spring. We submitted an application to the City of College Station Beautification grant and received a $5,000 grant.  We will need to spend $10,000 in order to receive the $5,000 reimbursement.  Tom received bids for the work which includes replacing ground covers, fixing sprinklers, adding large boulevard trees in the front entrance and various other plantings.  Antonio’s bid was the lowest and was selected.  The total bid was $13,600 – we can reduce the scope and hold the total spend to $10,000 or do it all.  This will be discussed by the board in the future. The work will be done in early spring to give the plants the best chance to thrive.  Tom’s committee consists of Donal Antil who coordinates the tree trimming and Debra Ware and Liz Hamff who coordinate the sprinklers. 


Architectural Control Committee:  Julius noted that he is available to help any owners with advice on renovations  He reminded us a ACC form must be completed and approved before any outdoor renovations are done. Julius reported that renovation work on #5 and #19 has been completed.  Renovations on #5 and #32 are still in process.


Current Business:  Jennifer Fredericks has resigned from the board.  Don Lipkin has agreed to take her place. 




20 ballots were received and the proposed board members Stacy Light, Carla Cozad and Kim Tolman were voted in. The 2025 budget was also approved.  Carla will serve as the secretary. 


We all noted a big thank you to Kim for her hard work serving as the president.  


The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM

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