Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held February 11, 2018. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.
Attendees were Kenneth Johse, Jack Benson, Carol Scamardo, David Hicks, Cherie Cotner,Tom Ostrowski and Laine Totah.
1. NEW BOARD: All officers were reappointed to same positions by unanimous vote. Laine will send out new directory with new officers and updated resident information.
2. GROUNDS REPORT: Tom suggested that grounds crew even out leaves by unit 34 during this current time when grounds work is slower. Carol will mention this to Antonio. Cherie volunteered to contact the building owners in the front of the neighborhood to see their thoughts on adding shrubs and plants to the front entrance area that is their property.
3. TREASURER REPORT: We are still on track with the budget and have paid all sign and road invoices except $1,500 bill. We discussed raising dues and also having a set emergency fund. No action taken at this time. Kenneth will research by-laws to determine what would need to be done for a special assessment if we needed one in the future. Jack will research if we are covered by our insurance policy if any homeowners sued the HOA for any reason. They will report back on these issues at the next meeting.
4. ROAD REPAIR AND SIGN STATUS: Work has been completed. Laine has filed all the documentation with the city to get the $10,000 reimbursement from the beautification grant. It will take approximately 6 weeks.
5. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Plans for #18 approved. No other outstanding submittals.
6. REVIEW OF BY-LAWS: Still in review
7. FUTURE PROJECTS: still looking at pump house repair, sprinklers repair and tree trimming for 2018.
Meeting adjourned 7:55 . Next meeting will be March 4, 2018 at Cherie Cotner’s #33.