Monday 11/11/13 @ 7:00pm at 17 Forest Drive Attendance: Rhonda, Kim, Carol, Joyce, Bob, Eleanor Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm September minutes were read and approved. Agenda Treasurer’s Report Year to date Oct. 2013 budget and financial summary was distributed and reviewed Quick Books has not been implemented as POFs accounting software. Eleanor […]
Tuesday 9/3/13 @ 7:00pm at 23 Forest Drive Attendance: Rhonda, Kim, Annell, Tim, Carol, Joyce, Bob, Eleanor, Laura May minutes were read and approved. Agenda Treasurer’s Report Filled out appropriate sale forms for Prescott’s former residence. Doing well with savings and checking with a positive outlook for achieving strategic capital projects. Dues are all current. […]
Post Oak Forest Board Meeting May 7, 2013 Present: Laura, Eleanor, Tim, Kim, Joyce, Carol, Rhonda, Karen, Annell Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm April minutes were read and approved Treasurer’s Report-Not using certified mail anymore to notify residents, but using priority mail instead. Expenses are low with funds available in savings and […]
Post Oak Forest Board Meeting February 5, 2013 Laura, Eleanor, Bob, Tim, Kim, Joyce, Carol, Rhonda Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm Jan. minutes were read and approved (prep meeting for annual meeting) It was moved and approved to renew Kim Tolman as President of the Post Oak Forest Home Owners Association and Laura […]
Post Oak Forest HOA July 7, 2013 Amendment to January 17, 2012 Meeting Minutes Eleanor presented the 2011/2012 budget recapping previous reports and summarized overall plans. Two budget options were presented: the first included an increase in dues and the second did not include an increase. $4K was not spent in 2011, reserving money for […]
Post Oak Forest Board Meeting January 7, 2013 Laura, Eleanor, Bob, Tim, Kim, Joyce, Carol, Rhonda Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm Nov. minutes were read and approved Agenda: Prep for annual meeting Read minutes from Jan, 2012 annual meeting and made small edits Reviewed 2012 Income and Expenses, 2012 Budget and 2013 Proposed […]
PostForest Annual Progressive Party and Meeting January 17, 2012 Participant names were recorded electronically. (see document “January Homeowners 2012”, attached) The meeting was called to order at 7:15pm at # 17. Announcements: The Big Event is coming up Old Business: No old business was brought forth for discussion by homeowners. […]
Post Oak Forest Board Meeting Nov. 14, 2012 Present: Kim, Eleanor, Bob, Carol, Rhonda, Tim, Joyce, Laura Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm Oct. minutes were read and approved Agenda: Funding the road repair Budget Board for next year Presidents report Kim took bylaws and covenants to Mr. Stacey, Atty.-for review. Asked for a […]
PostOak ForestBoard Meeting Oct. 4, 2012 Present: Kim, Eleanor, Bob, Cydney-8:06pm, Carol, Rhonda, Tim, Joyce, Laura Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm Sept. minutes were read and approved Agenda: New HOA documents – please read them Website Road estimates Annual meeting Garbage cans Treasurer report Grounds report HOA DocumentsIt w as moved and […]
PostOak ForestBoard Meeting Sept. 4, 2012 Present: Kim, Eleanor, Bob, Cydney, Carol, Rhonda, Tim, Joyce, Annel, Laura Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm May minutes were read and approved Agenda: treasurer’s report grounds committee report neighbor info […]