Category Archives: Minutes

May 2012 mtg. min.

  5-15-12  Present were Annell, Kim, Bob, Eleanor, Joyce, Carol, Cydney and new homeowner, Jess Fields #14.  7:13 p.m.  Annell called the meeting to order in the absence of Kim.  She arrived a little later. Treasurer report. Brief discussion of road repair/maintenance. Discussion of entrance signs.  Motion made by Annell and second by Kim to […]

Apr. 2012 mtg. min.

PostOak ForestBoard Meeting  April 3, 2012  Present: Kim, Eleanor, Bob, Cydney, Carol, Rhonda, Tim  Meeting was called to order at 7:14pm  Minutes were read and approved  Agenda: treasurer’s report grounds committee report update on the webpage neighbor info  Treasurer’s report Still working on QuickBooks. More expenses due to work for monthly maintenance items and repairs.  […]

Mar. 2012 mtg. min.

PostOak ForestBoard Meeting  March 6, 2012  Present: Kim, Eleanor, Cydney, Laura, Bob, Carol, Joyce, Annell, Rhonda  Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm  Minutes were read and approved (With changes)  Agenda: New HOA laws, insurance, lawn care, grading behind #15  New HOA laws-Per new laws homeowners must be notified 72 hrs prior to Board meetings.  Meetings […]

Feb. 2012 mtg. min.

PostOak ForestBoard Meeting February 7, 2012 Present: Kim, Tim, Laura, Eleanor, Bob, Carol, Joyce, Annell, Rhonda Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm. Minutes were read and approved It was moved to approved the slate of officers. Kim will remain President and Rhonda will remain Secretary. Eleanor will remain Treasurer.  Fence Report-Kim and Annell reported […]