General Rules
Section 1.01. The name of the corporation is HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OF POST OAK FOREST, INC., hereinafter referred to as the “Association.”
Section1.02. The principal office of the corporation shall be located in the City of College Station, County of Brazos, State of Texas. The registered address of the corporation shall be 23A Forest Drive College Station, Brazos County, Texas 77840
General Rules
-Landscapes: Each homeowner owns roughly a 40 by 80 lot. The Homeowners Association of Post Oak Forest cares for and controls the common areas on which the lots exist. No landscaping is allowed on the common areas in the back of homes as these areas are to remain in their natural state. Native adaptive plants may be added with permission. Any change to front area and any items placed on Common areas must have Board approval. Standard irrigation is controlled by the grounds keeper. You are responsible for all repairs to your irrigation system that our grounds keeper cannot make. Please refrain from posting signs on grounds. Small security signs are allowed. For sale signs must be placed on the house or near it as possible. No garage sales are allowed in Post Oak Forest. If you are considering doing an Estate Sale, please consider an online sale or work with the POF Board on the best way to minimize issues such as blocked driveways and broken sprinkler heads. Our neighborhood is small and the streets are narrow which has led to problems in the past
-Parking on the Street: The Association, not the City, owns and maintains the streets (as part of the common area). The streets are too narrow to allow on-street parking and it is also a hindrance to emergency vehicles that must enter as needed to answer 911 calls. All homeowners should park in their own driveways or on the three parking pads around the neighborhood. Short-term parking on the street in front of your home is permitted under special circumstances. Overnight parking on the street is never permitted.
-Driveways, Carports and Atriums Visible from the Street: All areas visible from the street are to be kept clean and free of clutter. Carports are for cars, bicycles, trashcans and firewood. Carports are not to be used for storage with the exception of allowance of Trailers used for the duration of Aggie football season only. Trailers must not extend beyond the covered area of the carport and be removed once the football season has ended. Homeowners must maintain their own driveways.
-Home Improvement: Paint color schemes shall be in the family of earth tones. Composition roofing (also in earth tones) must be a minimum of 30 years for pitched roofs. Composition roll roofing of 20 years or Hydro Stop may be used on flat or nearly flat areas. All exterior changes will first need to be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee and approved by the Board. Dusk to dawn exterior lighting must be approved and must not adversely affect neighbors. No permanent fixtures of any type, such as air conditioning compressors, may be placed on Common areas. No compressor may be placed on a 40×80 where it will be visible from the street unless this placement is submitted to and also approved by the Board.
-Trash: Trash pick-up is on Wednesday. Place your trash container at the curb, handle away from the street. Please do not put your container out before Tuesday evening and return it to your carport on Wednesday. If you need to dispose of large items or items that will not fit in your can you may put these items at the parking pad near the mailboxes. Bulk trash is picked up Monday mornings so please do not put out items until Sunday night. Also, please do not put personal garbage at this site, it smells and attracts vermin. Recycling is picked up every other Thursday. Items should be placed at the curb in containers provided by the city of College Station. Additional information is available at
-Pool: All pool rules are to be adhered to at all times. You must accompany your guests at the pool.
-Rentals: Rental leases must be for a period no less than six months. The homeowner is responsible for notifying and furnishing the board with contact information of all tenants. No more than two unrelated parties may occupy a home.
-Fees: Property Transfer Fee $100. Resale Certificate Fee: $250
Main Menu
- Welcome!
- Minutes
- Pool Information
- Bylaws
- Covenants and Management Certificate
- General Rules
- Photo Gallery
- City of College Station
- HOA Policy as per the State of Texas
- Architectural Control Committee Forms
- Parking Notice Template
- Contact Information
- Post Oak Forest Dues
- Announcements
- Grounds General Rules
- Rental Cap Procedures (with rental list) and Fining Policy