Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held November 27, 2022. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM.
Attendees were Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Kim Tolman, Julius Gribou, John Cozad, Laine Totah, and Carol Scamardo.
October meeting minutes were approved as presented.
TREASURER: A review of the budget and projected expenses through the end of the year looks like we will end on budget. Upcoming spending includes a Christmas bonus for Antonio. We discussed next year estimated expenses and increasing dues 5% to cover anticipated costs. Laine made a motion to increase dues by 5% (new rate $104/month). Julius seconded. Board approved. Kenneth noted that we have not increased dues since 2019.
GROUNDS: Spencer removed all trees that were deemed unsafe. Other tree trimming was deferred until next year. We will also evaluate replacing plants, painting metal gates and light poles, etc next year. Carol will make a list of suggested improvements to present to the board at the next meeting. Kenneth noted that some of this work might be capital improvement type work that might qualify for funds from the City of College Station beautification grant.
POOL: The pool was covered and closed on October 14th. Laine and Kim will monitor once a month during the winter to add chemicals and check equipment.
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Stacy noted that a letter was sent regarding the construction equipment that has been under the carport for a few months. Items will need to be moved out of the carport into the house once the roof has been repaired. She will continue to monitor this. Julius noted that painting was completed on number 22 and no other ACC requests have been received.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Kim reported that there are a few owners interested in serving on the board for the upcoming 3 year term. John, Kenneth and Jack’s terms are up.
NEW BUSINESS: The annual meeting will be held Tuesday, January 17th. Notice will need to be sent at least 15 days before the meeting. The board discussed going forward with the approval of 4 documents sent by the HOA lawyer that cover items that have recently been added to HOA responsibilities by the state of Texas. These include a bid process policy, document inspection and copying policy, document retention policy and a payment plan policy. Laine made a motion to adopt all four documents, Kim seconded. The board approved. These will be signed and filed with the county. Stacy presented an amendment to the covenants to include rental cap language that would limit rentals to 15% (with current renters grandfathered in). The board suggested a few changes. These will be given to the lawyer for final document preparation. We will review and move forward at the next board meeting. Stacy noted that we also need to have someone meet with the State Farm insurance agent to make sure our policy is sufficient. Julius agreed to take on this project.
Meeting adjourned 9:05. The next meeting will be December 11th at 7:00 PM.
Main Menu
- Welcome!
- Minutes
- Pool Information
- Bylaws
- Covenants and Management Certificate
- General Rules
- Photo Gallery
- City of College Station
- HOA Policy as per the State of Texas
- Architectural Control Committee Forms
- Parking Notice Template
- Contact Information
- Post Oak Forest Dues
- Announcements
- Grounds General Rules
- Rental Cap Procedures (with rental list) and Fining Policy