May 5, 2024 POF HOA Board meeting minutes

Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held May 5, 2024 via ZOOM. Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.

Attendees were Stacy Light, Kim Tolman, Kenneth Johse, Laine Totah, Cherie Cotner, Jack Benson, and Matt Henderson.

Jack Benson made a motion to approve the April meeting minutes as posted. Kim seconded. The board approved.

TREASURER: Kenneth sent in the financials. No issues noted.

GROUNDS: It was noted that a big oak tree is hanging over #32. This will be addressed in the next tree trimming and removal. The city of College Station beautification grant timeline has been extended. Kim spoke to someone at the city and the grant will now cover replanting existing areas that need repair and maintenance. The HOA still pays 50% of the costs with the city contributing the other 50% of any approved beautification project. Tom Light will look into putting together a proposed list of areas that could be improved.  The board can then determine what focus areas that we should concentrate on, decide on dollar limits and then we can get bids on the work. Laine will fill out the required paperwork to submit to the city if we decide to move forward.

Antonio will suspend some of the usual weekly maintenance (such as blowing out carports, etc) and spend time clearing drainage areas that were clogging in the recent heavy rainfall. He will only work on fixing existing trenches. Per the city, new drainage ditches must have city engineer approval. During the recent rains a few homes had water come in due to clogged drain issues.

ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: No report from Julius. It was noted that the renovations at #4 and #5 are still continuing.

POOL: Laine will contact the Pool Guys this week to get the pool uncovered and prepared for summer swimming.

Next ZOOM meeting is June 2

Meeting adjourned 7:47.

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