June 2, 2024 POF HOA Meeting minutes

Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held June 2, 2024. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

Attendees were Kim Tolman, Stacy Light, Jack Benson, Matt Henderson, Cherie Cotner, and Jennifer Fredericks.

Kim reported that the pool pump was replaced, and the pool should be up and running. The new owner of #4, Carla Cozad, is in the process of moving in.

Stacy reported that Tom is meeting tomorrow with Antonio (landscaper) to work on a plan for neighborhood beautification in order to apply for a Neighborhood Grant. The idea is to replace things that have died in the past several years from freezing and drought/heat. Antonio will provide a plan and a bid. After that, we need 1-2 more bids. The grant request is due to the city by June 24. Stacy and Laine will work on writing up to proposal.

Grounds Report: Antonio has finished with the drainage project behind Units 13 through 17. The area was cleaned out and a former ditch or trench was cleaned out and dug deeper so that water flows down the side between the homes to the street, as it did before. There was no cost to the HOA, as his crew alternated weeks of routine landscaping with drainage work until the project was completed. Tree trimming was completed and the neighborhood looks to be in good shape. A new color bed was planted at the front entrance.

Kim sent an email to the owner of #4 about the trash in the carport. The rules require construction debris to be in a dumpster. Jennifer will text him a reminder.

Matt and Becca will look into how to take over the POF website and update it. Stacy and Laine will help with any input needed regarding the design.

Kenneth was traveling and was not available to submit a treasurers report. He will provide one upon his return.

Next meeting date:

August 4

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM

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