February 3, 2015 Post Oak Forest HOA meeting Participants: Kim Tolman, Carol Scamardo, Rhonda Watson, Joyce Birdwell, Laura H., Laine Totah, Karen D., and Antonio Garcia Meeting called to order at 7:30pm Committee assignments: Architect Committee Karen Dixon and Tom Ostrowski Grounds Committee Carol, Karen D., Joyce Pool Committee Kim Tolman, Antonio Garica, […]
January 6, 2015 Post Oak Forest HOA meeting Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Karen Dixon, Rhonda Watson, Joyce Birdwell and Antonio Garcia, Laura Hendler and Laine Totah Meeting called to order at 7:06pm Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Three (3) home owners are reimbursed for street lights: #10, […]
Monday, January 5, 2015 Tim, Laura, Carol, Kim, Karen, Joyce, Rhonda In light of 2 Board vacancies, a special meeting was called to vote in 2 new HOA members. Laine Totah and Laura Hendler. Via email it was motioned, seconded and approved to add Laine and Laura to the Post Oak Forest HOA. […]
October 10, 2014 Post Oak Forest HOA meeting Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Rhonda Watson, Joyce Birdwell and Antonio Garcia Meeting called to order at 5:55pm Agenda: Annual Meeting Kim will send out ballots for reducing the Board to a total of 7 members. This was discussed […]
September 2, 2014 Post Oak Forest HOA meeting Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Karen Dixon, Rhonda Watson, Joyce Birdwell and Antonio Garcia Meeting called to order at 7:04pm Minutes were read and approved. Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Antonio shared a printed report detailing activity over the summer (June, […]
April 25, 2014 (via email) Post Oak Forest HOA special election meeting Participants: Kim Tolman, Tim Rabroker, Bob Lane, Carol Scamardo, Laura Doskocil, Karen Dixon, Rhonda Watson Agenda: Nomination and approval of Antonio Garcia serving as POF Treasurer The nomination was made, seconded and the following unanimously approved: As of […]
Tuesday, 4/2/14 Called to order 7:08 by president Attendance: Joyce, Antonio Garcia, Bob, Eleanor, Kim, Karen, Carol Discussed placement of a/c units cannot be on common ground and are to be on roof, renovation of #26 and all renovations must meet arch. requirements and policy. Financial report given and all assessments and fees are current. Antonio will […]
Post Forest Annual Progressive Party and Meeting January 21, 2014 Attendees: Carol, Kim, Kim Carr, Antonio, John Cozad, Bob, Eleanor, Jack, Carol Benson, Joyce, Meredith Collier, Malcolm, Ozden Ochoa, Rhonda, Karen Kim called the meeting to order at 7:10pm at # 17. Old Business: Minutes from January 2013 Annual meeting […]
Tuesday, 2/4/14 @ 7:00pm at 27 Forest Drive Attendance: Rhonda, Kim, Carol, Joyce, Bob, Eleanor Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm December minutes were read and approved. Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Dues are current January 2014 income and expense summary was distributed and reviewed After discussion with insurance agent Jim Stuckey, it was suggested […]
Tuesday, 12/10/13 @ 7:00pm at 23 Forest Drive Attendance: Rhonda, Kim, Carol, Joyce, Bob, Eleanor, Annell Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm November minutes were read and approved. Agenda: Treasurer’s Report Budget and Financial Summary through November was distributed and reviewed Utility bill was sharply increased. Eleanor researched last year’s bill for comparison. No […]