February 6, 2022 HOA Board Meeting minutes

Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held February 6, 2022. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

Attendees were Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Kim Tolman, John Cozad, Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, Julius Gribou and Cherie Cotner. 

January meeting minutes were approved as presented.

   Stacy reported that we received a $247 invoice for IT work on the security camera set up.  Board previously approved up to $300 so the invoice will be submitted for payment.   Laine and Stacy will meet with the installer to learn how to change the batteries and the storage card.                                     

  1. TREASURER:  Kenneth reported that we will be receiving more HOA assessments that will be posted in February.  Under Utilities on the budget we have payments made in January for the plumbing/water issues on unit 22.  Kenneth is researching the check payments made at Prosperity Bank that come out when submitted as ACH.  He wants to change to checks that won’t show as posted until cashed.  He will research and report back.


  1. GROUNDS: Carol Scamardo reported that grounds maintenance is continuing on. Carol noted that Antonio and crew will work on the water line issue between #21 and #22 this week.


  1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE: Work is continuing on number 23 and Julius reported that the new owner expects to move in by the end of February. Number 10 brick work has been approved. Julius is working with the contractor to ensure the brick matches as close as possible and has a solution that the contractor has agreed to. Julius will continue to investigate a gate installation to see if costs have come down.  John suggested we get a paint color sample set selection together that owners can choose from.   Julius will put this together. No new ACC requests.


  1. NEW BUSINESS: The trailer in number 28 needs to be moved.  Stacy will contact the owner to let him know. 


The next board meeting will be March 6 at 7:00.  We are planning to meet in person if possible.

The next meetings will be April 10 and May 1.

Meeting adjourned 7:45


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