Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held June 13, 2021. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, David Hicks and John Cozad. Kenneth made a motion to accept the May meeting minutes. Jack seconded. Board approved TREASURER: Kenneth […]
Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held May 16, 2021. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, Stacy Light, Kenneth Johse, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, and John Cozad. Jack made a motion to accept the February meeting minutes. Cherie seconded. Board approved TREASURER: Kenneth reported that […]
Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held April 11, 2021. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, Stacy Light, Jack Benson, David Hicks, Cherie Cotner, and John Cozad. Stacy reported that Antonio ordered the fence materials. He should receive them early this week and then will begin […]
Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held March 7, 2021. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, Stacy Light, Jack Benson, Kenneth Johse, Cherie Cotner, and John Cozad. Jack made a motion to accept the January meeting minutes. Kenneth seconded. Board approved. Laine reported that the POF […]
Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, Stacy Light, Jack Benson, Kenneth Johse, Cherie Cotner, and Julius Gribou. Annual meeting minutes will be amended to exclude Kenneth Johse from the attendance. Jack made a motion to accept the minutes with this correction, Cherie seconded. Board approved. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: President: Stacy Light was nominated […]
Post Oak Forest Annual HOA meeting was held January 19, 2021 via ZOOM meeting due to COVID virus restrictions. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. Attendees: Carol Scamardo, Alan and Wanda Needleman, Rhonda Watson, Debra Ware, Jack and Carol Benson, Cherie Cotner, David Hicks, Julius and Kathy Gribou, Jennifer Fredericks, Chandler Arden, Ozden […]
Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held November 1, 2020. Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Laine Totah, David Hicks, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, and Debra Ware. Minutes from last meeting were read. Jack made a motion to accept the minutes, Cherie seconded. Board approved. […]
Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Stacy Light, Laine Totah, David Hicks, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, John Cozad, Debra Ware and Kenneth Johse. Minutes from last meeting were read. Stacy made a motion to accept the minutes, Jack seconded. Board approved. SECRETARY: No news to report. TREASURER: Kenneth submitted treasurer report. Stacy asked if the new pool […]
Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held September 13, 2020. Meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Stacy Light, Laine Totah, David Hicks, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, John Cozad, Debra Ware and Kenneth Johse. Minutes from last meeting were read. Board approved SECRETARY: The directory of residents will […]
Post Oak Forest HOA board meeting was held August 3, 2020. Meeting was called to order at 7:20 PM. Attendees were Carol Scamardo, Stacy Light, Laine Totah, Jack Benson, Cherie Cotner, John Cozad, Debra Ware and Kenneth Johse. Minutes from last meeting were read. Board approved. SECRETARY: The directory of residents was updated and distributed. […]